5 Ways to Organise Your Fridge and Freezer
It may sound simple, but who else ‘loses food’ in the depths of their fridge?! And finds it annoying to have to throw food out because you forgot it was there! Well we’ve put together some easy hacks for organising your fridge … prepare for a fridge glow up!
Store leftovers in clear / glass containers in the fridge
This means you’ll always be able to see what’s in there. I’m certainly guilty of popping food in dark containers and totally forgetting that there was something in there that I was going to eat. Using proper containers can also be a great way of creating space in your fridge … a cheese container, a chocolate container … using containers with lids means you can stack them neatly and avoid wedging products on to shelves and hoping they stay in place next time you open the door!
Keep items that spoil quickly in the ‘core’ of the fridge
Items like milk and dairy products that go off quickly will keep a more consistent, cool temperature on the shelves of the fridge rather than in the door so store these items on the shelves for the longest life. The coolest shelf in the fridge is the bottom one so this is best for meat and fish, it also means they can’t drip and contaminate other food as they are at the bottom. The door is the warmest part of the fridge so products with preservatives like sugar in them are least likely to spoil here. It also means you can see them easily and don’t lose short jars at the back of the fridge and buy extra when you’ve already got some!
Store herbs in water
Fresh herbs, spring onions and greens with stems can benefit from being stored in a half filled jar of cold water in the fridge. Change the water every couple of days to keep them going as long as possible!
Well maybe not everything … but if it doesn’t have a label on the packaging and it’s going into the freezer (where food goes to die) then make sure you’ve added one. Storing leftovers in containers is such a great way of reducing waste but it’s so easy to forget what’s in the container and what date it went in there, so stick a label on to make your life a little easier!
Ice Cube Trays … not just for ice!
These little guys are a great way of storing food that might otherwise get thrown away or ‘lost’ in tiny containers. Think homemade stock cubes, homemade chia jam, garlic puree, half used tinned tomatoes … the list goes on! A great way of reducing waste and creating small servings; add a cube of tomato sauce to a stew or a cube of chia jam to your porridge.
I hope you’ve found these tips useful! Let us know if you have anymore you think we should add…
Jodie x